Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To New Adventures....

Well, I tip my glass to my dearest friend Chrissy for starting me on this adventure called "blogging". I must start by confessing that I am more comfortable with MySpace at this point. My hope is to soon master this areana and begin to see the benefits blogging can have for me, personally and professionally. However...I am leary of my skills. It has taken me three days to find an appropriate header, get it on the page, make it the right size, and then center it! Geez!

Let me begin by telling you a little back ground on me! This is in hopes that you might see something in me that is similar to you! Life is full of adventures and has taken me down many roads, some planned and others not! But I am aware....all were granted by God so that I may grow and learn the lessons He has for me!

To begin with, I am a Christian. This committment in my life guides and directs me. Although sometimes I like to be in control instead! And this is where those rough roads come into play! :-) So as you read my blogs, you will see my upbringing and beliefs through Christianity come through.

Secondly, I am a wife and a mother. I have been happily married to my hubby for 8 years. We are one of those "internet" couples! We met in a yahoo chat room 9 years ago. He lived in Florida while I was in California. He made the great jump to Cali to be with me! He is my best friend and we continue to grow each year.

I was married at the young age of 20 to my first husband with whom I had two beautiful girls. My oldest, K, is 12. She has been a blessing not only to me but everyone who knows her. She is my special one! She has cerebral palsy, autism, and mental retardation. She has helped me to grown in ways I never imagined.

My second daughter, Madi, is 10. She is my blue eyed beauty. She is my honor roll student and the typical cheerleader! Any teacher's dream right!

My youngest daughter, who we will call Boo, is my youngest and my only daughter from my current hubby. She just turned 6 and is the one to keep me on my toes! She is too bright for her own good. However, her mouth is similar to her mothers! Which means she says things that she shouldn't and tends to get herself into trouble with that character trait!

I truely believe that God has a great sense of humor! He has given me three completely different children! No....it would be too easy to have them be just a tad bit the same! I know, I know,...it is all about learning life lessons..right!

These three different daughters of mine have helped me to grow personally but have helped me to be a better teacher. I am able to relate to the parent of a child with learning challenges, the parent of an honor roll student, and the parent of child with some attitude. I am entering my 14th year in education. I have taught from second grade to high school...including both special education in elementary and at the high school level. What a journey it has been! I am beginning a new journey in the area of administration. Back to the old university...again! Grr!!

Well....this is me in a nut shell. I hope through this blog I am able to share some insight into my life as a wife, mother, and teacher!

Here we go..... :-)~


Rebecca said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I am a bloggy buddy of Chrissy's. I think you will enjoy blogging and the header looks great!

My Hubby and I are an Internet couple too! We met in an AOL chat room eleven years ago and have now been married for 8 years. It's so neat to see another chat room couple making it!

Fratzels said...

Yeah - you're here! I can't wait to read your blog everyday (yep, I said it...everyday).
Given what has happened to you with myspace, keep everything generic. Prying eyes will find you. You might want to go so far as not having photos of your kids on your blog and using a graphic for your profile pic. Talk about them all you want, but don't use their names. Nicknames will be much better for you.
I hat to be cyncial, but I listened to you about the ramifications of not having a private myspace page. You can't make this private, but you do not have to disclose who you are.