Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A time for something new... I am at 35 taking on new activities. And I must is kind of fun. I have been playing softball on a women's league for the past few years. I have really enjoyed it, even though I have found out that I am a slow runner! (Blog entry from before) :-( ha ha! But I am getting better at hitting and I have really enjoyed the pitching!

So the women's season ended a few weeks ago. I had a friend of mine hit me up to play on a co-ed team. Wow...that is a new one. She and her hubby wanted to start up a team and asked my hubby and I to join. So we have. We just had our first two games this week. We won both! It has really been a lot of fun. I have really enjoyed getting to play with hubby as well. We usually do our "own" this new turn has really been enjoyable.

It really is a whole new game with the guys involved. Man...they can throw those balls hard! Your hand gets that huge sting when the ball connects! And you don't wanna show that it hurt like the dickens because you don't wanna be perceived as a "sissy la la". And to boot..they hit the ball way the heck out there.

So, we shall see how the next two months go! Adventures abound!

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