Whenever the calendar turns to August, I begin my back to school projects. I have quite a few projects as a mother. But also as a teacher, I have much to do. I thought I would shared some helpful hints to make life a bit easier.
Let's start with our Mom hats. With three children starting school, it can be quite costly. And let's face it, the older they get the more they want the trendy clothes. I have found that Ebay has helped our pocket book out greatly. My girls are loving the Roxy, Volcom, and Hurley clothes. These shirts are quite costly. A new one can go from $25 to $40. I have found several "lots" of these clothes on Ebay. For those of you Non-Ebayers, a lot means a "group" of clothes. I bought my middle daughter a "lot" of 15 Roxy, Hurley, and Volcom shirts and two sweatshirts for $45. That is $2.64 a shirt!!! You have to be quite careful to read the information about the items. You want to make sure the clothes are not stained or ripped and that the seller has a good reputation. This has really helped me to cut some corners on the girls clothes. I am unable to do this in the jean department. I always take the girls to the store to make sure they fit comfy and appropriately since they grow so much each year. But hey...that is ok when I am saving in the shirt department!
Ok...the teacher hat! One thing I have found to cut corners for me is the number system. I know many teachers use this system in their classrooms, but if utilized well it can help prevent having to buy new things each year. Not to mention this system saves me a lot of time in preparing for my new students each year. We have been getting our class lists two days before school begins. This leaves most teachers in a scramble to be organized to begin school. I know this is harder with younger grades, but second and third graders take to this system quickly. I label my cubbies, folders, desks, books, pencil boxes, folders, journals, jacket hooks, etc. with numbers starting with number 1 all the way to the number of students I have entering my class. The students quickly learn their number and are able to use this organization system. I am to set my room up without knowing my students exact names! And once you have done this, it works year after year. The only thing I must do before school starts is the name tags for the desks.
One more teacher hint...on your back to school items for parents to send it...add a box of Wipees! I know...sounds crazy! But it is SO helpful. I start the year with 3o boxes! We are able to clean our desks weekly to help with those cold germs that are rampid in a classroom. Also helps for quick clean up after those dirty art projects in our classrooms!

I have not heard of these clothing brands - is that what I have to look forward to with Reagan?
Check out http://flutterandfly.com/. She's got a son with autism. You can also look at http://adayinthelifeofelle.blogspot.com/. She's got a daughter with autism, but hasn't posted in awhile.
Google a writers wool gatherings. her son has autism. I don't know the exact site address, but you'll be able to find it.
Yes...Roxy is the big one! They make it all and it is ALL expensive!
You know, I never thought to send wipes to school just because - brilliant! (that's why you're the teacher, LOL!!!)
Flutter Bug
Blog Mom
I'm all of them - wasn't sure if you knew...but it's me. Man, I so need to pick one name and go with it!
Chrissy is great - thank you for bringing us bloggers together, Chrissy!
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