Monday, August 11, 2008

My summer passion....

I really have enjoyed my summer passion of gardening! We have really enjoyed getting to watch the vegetables grow. And it really has become the family's passion. The girls just love going outside each day to see what new thing has bloomed. What a great teaching opportunity too. My little six year old now understands what happens when we plant seeds. The girls have also learned patience ( too). We want to pick the produce because we are so excited. But waiting and letting them get bigger and bigger sure has been fun. The girls just love to go out and pick the squash and then see it on their plate that night for dinner! The watermelon has just started to grow. There are little baby watermelon everywhere!! They are so cute! I know..dumb! But I now see why gardening is such a relaxing enjoyable activity...even if you are under 50! :-) Here are a few pics of our current growth!

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