Now...I have on my teacher hat here! But I started a year ago with giving each of my children one night a month to cook! This is something they all just love! We begin by getting out the famous "cook books". There are many "kid" cookbooks on the market. They get to pick the meal for the night. They must read the recipe, create a shopping list, and actually get their own grocery cart and find all the necessary items. I always help them in the kitchen as they get their meal ready to present to the family. This encorporates reading, writing, math, reasoning skills, social skills, etc.
You have no idea how long it has taken them to master the organization of the grocery store! We have also learned about fractions (measuring cups), how to double a recipe, etc. This is a great activity for the entire family. It has boosted their self esteem as they present their dinner for our family. They have become more open minded into trying new food. And....here is the best part..they now love The Food Network! They are always looking for new things to cook!
My favorite part of this phone you ask???? The calendar! I know, sounds silly, but it has helped us manage our lives! First of all, I have a date calendar. So I am able to add all my appointments. I can view the calendar by my day, the week, or the month.
My 2nd favorite part....I receive all my email on this phone. So when my secretary emails me an appointment, and I accept....it adds it to my phone calendar! It will even let me know if there is a conflict with another apt on my calendar. Ya gotta love that feature.
Third, when I add a date, I can then, through a simple button, send that appointment to my hubby's phone! It then puts all that apt information onto his calendar! OMG...you have NO idea how great this is! Now, understand, between cheer leading practice, gymnastics, Physical Therapy, Dr apts, Dentist apts, my own work meetings, IEPs, evaluations, football games, junior high dances...there is SO much to schedule. My hubby then knows what is going on daily. This is really helpful because we are always on the same page. He knows what is coming and all the places I have to be. He has often said, "Well, I see you have a nail apt tomorrow at four, and one daughter has cheer leading. I will pick her up and get her there." Do you just LOVE that! It has really helped to get us both actively involved in every ones crazy schedule.
OK...last thing on the calendar~then I will shut up. On the front page of the screen, it lists my next three events. So I always am aware of what my next three commitments are going to be. I can also set the phone to send me a reminder...15 min, 30 min, whatever works for you.
So...for those of you that have crazy lives, need to manage your schedules a little better, and get hubby involved in the "taxi" cab driving of our lives...think about a HERS and HIS Blackberry! There is my tech advice for the year! ha ha!
4. The Queen at TheQueenofMayhem (Keeps me in stiches with her life)
5. Amazing Grace at ccdmom (Enjoy all inspirational ideas)
6. moms and dads at 5minutesforspecialneeds (A place for support)
And there are a few award rules for those who choose to pass it on:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog. 2. Link the person you received your award from. 3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated.
Thank you again Bitsy! I am so excited!!!
These two tasks really help to set the stage for parent support when you are dealing with children. I don't think we realize how much parents need to get those positive stickers! Especially if they have a troubled child those positive notes are few and far between. So, set the stage, make your first contact a postivie one!
Another hint....KEEP EVERYTHING!!!!
I bought a few crates that fit legal size file folders (You could just use a filing cabinet). Each child has a folder. Any information that goes between home and school goes in this folder. You just never know when a parent will come in and say they never saw a note or paper. Here are the items I keep in this folder: Begining of the year letters that went home with parent signatures, any and all assessment, progress reports, personal notes from home and school, referrals, copies of emails, excuses for not participating in PE....etc. You get the picture. Let's face it, dealing with irate parents is difficult. This organizational technique has saved me several heart aches. I have had a parent go to my adminstration saying they wanted their kid moved because I didn't communicate that their child was failing. When I walked into the parent meeting with my administrater I had a file full of progress reports (I send these home every two weeks and require a parent signature) and all the chapter tests (I also send home and require a parent signature). Come to find out...mom had been hiding from dad all of this information. Dad ended up apologizing and said he obviously had issues at home to address. So, take the time to set this up! With sue happy people these days, you can't afford not to cover yourself in every way! Make a paper trail!